Why I Haven’t Yet and Probably Won’t Ever Watch ‘Euphoria’
Five Reasons to Stay Off the Show’s Bandwagon
February 28, 2022
Disclaimer: This is not me taking shots at anyone who watches “Euphoria.” In fact, I applaud you for your efforts, and your ability to sit through two whole seasons of what I can’t even sit through two TikToks of.
I remember way back (in 2020) when Zendaya became the youngest person to win an Emmy for her performance in “Euphoria.” For someone who doesn’t watch award ceremonies such as the Emmys or the Oscars, this event drew my attention quickly.

Now my memory of this occurrence is blurry, but I somewhat remember watching some type of clip in which there was a strong focus on the trans character, Jules Vaughn.
I thought, “Hey, this show sounds pretty cool with Zendaya and a trans person as the main focus. Representation matters!”
Like I said, I have little recollection of what led me to this conclusion, but I got there somehow.
Fast forward to the present day, come to find out that Zendaya is not the only main focus, neither is Jules, and apparently, Jules isn’t even likable.
But that’s just one of the many reasons why I am not watching this show.

From what I’ve heard from friends, and the many TikToks and Instagram memes I’ve seen, I’m sure I’m making the right decision. I’ve heard that some of the content is intense and very relatable, and I will not be taking away from what gives the show depth and pulls on the heartstrings of many, but some things seem definitely…questionable.
1. The lack of racial representation. Yes, we are discussing this. I love Zendaya as much as the next person, but where are the other colors of the rainbow? And why, oh why, is the ONLY black character the drug addict? Now again, I have not seen the show, and I’m sure Rue (Zendaya’s character) has her reasons, but Black people always have to suffer from problems that beg for your sympathy. They are also always the white main character’s best friend, which I believe Rue is, but thankfully she does have her own story, and she isn’t just the pretty Black sidekick. Still, it would be nice if she wasn’t the only important Black character, and the only character with an addiction.

2. Nobody dresses like that. This is what started the TikTok trends. Seriously, what 16-year-old walks around high school like they’re Nicki Minaj’s backup dancers? Please introduce me to them, I’ve been dying to meet them ever since I found out that high schoolers do not dress like they do in television and movies. I just want to know where directors got the idea that teenagers dress like they’re going to the club. I have an unhealthy vendetta against that kind of high school representation because when I was younger, I was so excited to dress like that when I got to high school, only to realize I still have to wear a uniform and dress like everyone else, with my only outlet of individuality being my shoes. Also, can we address the makeup they wear?? Love the self-expression, but there is a time and place for that makeup. Fifth period U.S. History class learning about the “Great Depression” is not it.

3. The things one wishes to unsee. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, good, keep it that way. But from what I’ve heard, there are many, uh, parts of the human body that are shown, and several of them in singular episodes, AND IN THE FIRST FEW EPISODES. Gee, that’s a way to start off a show, talk about an attention grabber. A trigger warning would be nice, because honestly, who reads the “TV-MA, some nudity and strong language used.” Not to mention, it’s not even real. Apparently, it’s prosthetics, which is definitely not as bad as the real deal, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it is made to look real. And, oh I don’t know, the fact that it’s even there to begin with.
4. That play. “Did anybody proofread that script?” The very question my best friend asked me, and we’re both wondering the same thing. What principal approved of this to be shown on the stage, let alone to an audience of other humans, to ADULT humans? That’s the kind of show you put on with your dollies at home on your little makeshift stage that’s just a painted cardboard box. Or at least a book that you don’t release until your mid-twenties where you change all the names of the characters and get nationwide recognition because “your life is a movie.” I’m all for supporting the arts and the showcasing of student creations, but the principal that OK’d Lexi’s play needs to be fired. End of discussion.

5. Who’s theatre budget—? All I gotta say is, who put all of that money into a production by the theater department? What donors, or alumni? What public schools have that level of government funding? I know they must have had Jeff Bezos on speed dial and he just dropped a couple millions here and there. And how much were those tickets? They could have put on a very detailed rendition of any musical of their choice. I bet they got good air conditioning and mics too.
If you’re like me, you know exactly what I’m talking about when it comes to all the media attention this show is receiving and why it’s making me want to watch “Euphoria” less and less.
But for those of you who watch “Euphoria,” good luck with Season 3.