Turning Gingerbread Houses into Gingerbread Homes
Why do gingerbread men usually win at Hide-and-Seek?

Gingerbread houses were under construction in early December at Marian Catholic.
December 14, 2022
A great leader once said, “A house divided will not stand.”
Did that leader know that a house of delicious was meant to be devoured?
Thankfully the Marian students who attended the Cooking Club meeting, complete with tasty kits knew, do.
The result finally provides an answer to the question of what makes a gingerbread house a gingerbread home.
Of course, as usual, the answer is love.
Still, that doesn’t answer the other question above.
“Why do gingerbread men usually win at Hide-and Seek?”
Answer: Because you can’t catch them.
All photos by Christopher Brown.