All Is Well

A Poem for Christmas

By Andrew Barajas

All Is Well



At the gate

A blanket sits

Of powder white

And sparkles such 


In the path

The garden sleeps

Tucked in frost

To rest for the year


The door awaits

Coated in ice dripped sickles

With subtle chats

Heard behind


Opened to a world 

Of laughter and joy

Met with faces 

That welcome you home


The warm air dwells 

In your soul

With the fire crackles

Like charming symphonies


The smell of sweets                                                                       

Decorate the hall

Making the colors

A little more vibrant


The greens and silvers

Mingle with red and white

Like a conversation 

Of familiar tastes


The tree lights the room

As the glow from the fire

Lay the quilt of tradition 

Sewn together by time


The frost is outside

The warmth is otherworldly

Like a cosmic hug

Of all being right in the moment

The feast is set

The gifts are served

The candles lit

As the words fly out


They fill the room

With various beliefs 

And all end

As one harmony


The dying flames

Let the room simmer

As they once and for all

Have love for dinner