Homecoming 2022: Friday Lights, Neon Nights
Classes of 2017, 1970 and 1967 to Come Home

October 4, 2022
There’s a new look and new location for Homecoming 2022.
After a year with adjustments made due to Covid-19 protocols, this year’s Homecoming schedule is a leap back to the future during this themed week.
Today, “Throwback Thursday,” provides a chance to look back on previous Homecoming weeks.
Last year’s homecoming didn’t have a theme, partly due to its location: the football field. Facial masks were strongly recommended. That was the past. Back to the future, masks off (or are just optional).
This year, the Student Council Executive Board tried to brighten things up a bit.
Retro Neon is this year’s theme. There’s big expectation for bursts of colorful, eye-popping hues and lights at the student sections during today’s assembly, tonight’s game and Saturday night’s Homecoming Dance. With this year’s location of the West Gym and the ability of underclassmen to attend, the numbers should be higher than the past few years.
None of this without controversy. In fact, the announcement of Retro Neon was glowing to some and the subject of disagreements to others.
Student Council Executive Board President Helen Mulugetta said neon is meant to represent the 1980’s neon.
“Over the summer, Vice President Xavier Buford thought of the idea, as a way to incorporate the week with the Friday football game,” Mulugetta told The Spartan Star.
Still, there is anticipation of a large crowd coming out over this weekend, an anticipation that’s been building with each passing Homecoming themed day.
Homecoming Week started Monday with Album Cover Day and continued Tuesday and Wednesday with “Disney Duo Day” and “What’s That Meme Day.”
Friday – tomorrow – is both “Bring Anything but a Bookbag Day” as well as being themed to call classes to come out clad in neon colors.
For freshmen, it will be a time to be seen in neon green. Sophomores can fall through in any hue of neon blue. The jam for Juniors is neon orange. And for The Senior Class of 2023, the class color is neon pink.
Each class will collide in an epic battle of dodgeball for class bragging rights.
Also, during tomorrow’s school spirit rally, students and school staff will learn who’s in the Homecoming Court leading up to the big game when the varsity football team races out under the Friday Night Lights to face St. Viator. During halftime at the game, the Homecoming King and Queen will be announced.
Over the weekend, Marian will welcome home the Spartan classes of 2017, 1967 and 1970.
With Saturday’s dance scheduled to return inside, expect formal footwear (open-toed heels, Jordans), longer gowns and more traditional attire.
While jewelry and gowns might glow, it shouldn’t rain from the ceiling.
“Students attending Homecoming should know that glitter isn’t allowed, but having fun is,” Mulugetta said.
Students should also expect to pass a breathalyzer to enter the dance and maintain the level of safety, respectability and fun that comes with being in a Marian environment.
Look for coverage of Homecoming Week next week in The Spartan Star.