LHSC: Celebrating Culture, Maturity and Faith
Student Explain, Share Scenes From Quinceañeras
October 11, 2022
Last year, a new club formed at Marian Catholic called the Latinx Hispanic Student Coalition (LHSC).
And The Spartan Star was there to capture the group’s formation and first events.
Now, in its second year, LHSC started the new academic year celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month which began Sept. 15 and ends this Saturday.
To acknowledge this special month, we checked back in with LHSC as it starts its sophomore year at Marian.

While senior Antonio Soto is looking forward to graduation, there is something he hopes remains at Marian even after he walks across the stage in May: the Latinx Hispanic Student Coalition.
“The primary purpose of our club is to provide a safe environment, a space where Marian’s students of Hispanic and Latinx backgrounds are able to express their culture,” Soto said. “We also aim to organize events that bring Hispanic and Latinx culture to Marian.”
As a senior, Soto said he would like to see the LHSC bring in more members from the different grades, organize more events, and ensure the club continues on for the classes after us.
Soto said that students and staff should know that everyone is welcome to join the group or attend events regardless of their background, whether they speak Spanish or not, or where they come from throughout Latin America.

In addition to marking National Hispanic Heritage Month through daily announcements and a recent Mass, LHSC recently invited members to share their Quinceañera stories and pictures.
According to latinamericanstudies.org, a quinceañera is a coming-of-age ritual for young women as they turn 15, that holds both cultural and religious significance.
The website, Catholicquinceprep.com further adds that quinceañera “began as a tradition in the Americas, particularly in Mexico, Central and South America. It is also frequently celebrated by Hispanic Catholics in the dioceses of the United States of America.” Often, celebrations include a Mass.
Three Marian students shared scenes from their Quinceañeras with The Spartan Star.
Sophomores Melissa Rodriguez and Esteysi De Jesus, along with junior Alexa Reyes, reflected on why they wanted Quinceañeras, what was the best part of the day and what they’d want people to understand about the experience.
“I had a Quinceañera because I wanted to represent my culture,” Reyes said, remembering the special day, which included dancing with her family in between many shoe changes.
For Rodriguez, the experience was about culture and maturity.
“I had a Quinceañera celebration because,” Rodriguez said, it “symbolizes a girl’s transition into womanhood,” Rodriguez said.

For DeJesus, the event also was an opportunity to bring people together.
Still, the sophomore said, it is not without stress.
“The best part of my Quinceañera was being able to see everyone happy in one place. I also loved the years of planning just to make my quinceañera perfect,” De Jesus said.
“It is an amazing feeling being to wear a big dress for a whole day. But it isn’t as easy,” De Jesus said. “The planning can be fun and stressful at the same time. Maybe you couldn’t find the right shoes, venue, or a dress. [It] takes a lot of planning, but on the day of your party, it is worth it.”