Social (and Anonymous) Media After Day-to-Day Marian


By Jayla Scarver, Contributing Writer

Nowadays, social media is seen as a platform for communication, advertising, and mostly indirect socialization. 

Some people, however, use social media as a means of comedy or entertainment. 

Billionaires with egos at least the size of their bank accounts – from Elon Musk (Twitter) to former Pres. Donald Trump (Truth) to former sane person Kanye “Ye” West (Parlor) have either sought to buy or control a social media platform.

It used to be enough to purchase a newspaper the way that the Amazon founder did with the Washington Post or a cable news network, the way Rupert Murdoch controls the Fox News Channel. But now, that’s so 2013. 

In recent years, a new trend has emerged where people (students) create non-official Instagram accounts for their schools. 

Following the trend, the students here at Marian Catholic have also created various accounts, all attempting to display the point of view of students in the school building not reflected elsewhere. There are accounts for showing off shoes, showing bad behavior in the lunchroom (excuse me, Leadership Center), and even accounts revealing anonymous confessions of Marian students. (Makes sense right? Confessions at a Catholic high school. Call Fr. O’Mara.) 

By giving the inside perspective of our school’s culture, while also adding a bit of silliness, these accounts attempt to capture our school in its rawest state, without the promotion or “censorship” of an official school account. 

Recently, the anonymous confessions account was deleted, for whatever reason, but most of the other accounts are still active.

If any of the creators of the accounts wish to come forward, we will welcome you to come and collaborate with The Spartan Star

The purpose of our Web site is to make sure students have a voice.

Contact Mr. Wamble at