New Teachers, New Dress Code, New Year

August 31, 2022
The transition from summer break to school is always hard. Getting your sleeping schedule back on track and waking your brain up to get ready for school can take some effort.
Last week began the first full week of school to start the 2022-23 school year at Marian Catholic.
This week, parents and guardians are set visit the school and talk to teachers during “Back to School Night” tonight.
Many may be returning to campus Thursday night for the football game.
One of the good things about starting school is being able to see your friends everyday again, maybe talk about the movies and music that served as the soundtrack of your summer.
If you’re a senior, it’s your last year so you might be ready to get it over with to graduate. Or at least parking in a painting space.
This year we have a lot of new teachers and other staff members coming into Marian. Over the next several weeks, we’ll introduce you to them, starting with this our first issue.
There have been discussions about this year’s “One Book, One Marian” selection in English classes.
There were changes made in the Community Period schedule. Four are scheduled during the fall beginning Sept. 12.
There were a few major changes made in the dress code about which students have shared their opinions in the hallways.
Should we be expecting stricter rules being applied this school year?
Will we finally be able to have a 100% pandemic free school year?
Watch out for the construction on Joe Orr Road.
And let’s have a great year.